What is PFLAG?

“PFLAG” is Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. We are a national support, education and advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, their families, friends and allies. With 200,000 members and supporters, and local affiliates in more than 350 communities across the U.S. and abroad, PFLAG is the largest grassroots-based family organization of its kind. PFLAG is a non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any religious or political institutions.

What does PFLAG do?

PFLAG supports the families and friends of LGBT people, and LGBT people locally and nationally by providing PFLAG chapter helplines, support group meetings and resources. PFLAG also educates families and communities on sexual orientation, gender identity and LGBT issues. Local PFLAG chapters educate their communities through a variety of projects while PFLAG National continues to provide fair and accurate information about LGBT people, their loved ones, and the unique challenges they face. PFLAG also advocates for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people on local, state, and national levels.

What are PFLAG’s top priorities?

As an organization that believes that change happens on the grassroots level in local communities, it is PFLAG’s number one priority to support the work of local affiliates.  We do this by providing affiliates with nationally produced resources and the guidance, time and expertise of our national staff. PFLAG’s top priorities also include working for safe schools for all students and working to build and support models of inclusion to make PFLAG and our work relevant for all diverse communities. PFLAG works to ensure equal civil rights and protections for LGBT people and works to help make faith communities more welcoming.

Where is PFLAG?

PFLAG’s National headquarters is located in downtown Washington, D.C. Here the staff of the PFLAG National Office work to support and facilitate the work of PFLAG’s affiliate network and to be a national family voice for the LGBT movement. PFLAG affiliates are located in all 50 states and abroad.

When was PFLAG started?

PFLAG’s first meeting was held in 1973. By 1979 PFLAG chapters had formed across the country. In 1981 PFLAG became the Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and in 1982 PFLAG became incorporated as a national organization.

Who are PFLAG’s members?

Our members come from all walks of life. We are straight, we are gay and we are bisexual. We are transgender. We are moms and dads, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, children and allies. We come from large cities and small towns.  We live in rural areas. We are people of color. We come from all economic backgrounds. We come from all faith traditions. We are disabled. We are youth and we are elderly. Our membership and our leadership are diverse, but what we have in common is our commitment to grow beyond false and harmful perceptions of LGBT people, to educate our communities, and to stand up for full equal rights and protections for LGBT people.

How can I get involved in PFLAG?

Everyone who shares PFLAG’s vision is welcome to join us in our work. You can join PFLAGas a chapter member through your local affiliate or as an at-large member through our National Office. Your financial support makes PFLAG’s work possible. As a chapter member you can also become engaged in the vital work of providing support, education and advocacy in your community. Even if you’re not sure that you need PFLAG, remember that PFLAG NEEDS YOU!

– From PFLAG National

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